Established since 2015, SNAPMAIL offers Singapore mailing address with free island-wide self-collection mailbox just like a PO Box | Business or Personal use | Free incoming sms/mail-alert with optional open-mail scan, re-forward and lots more!

Virtual Mailbox Features

SNAPMAIL.SG provides a proprietary ‘cloud-based’ mail management platform for each user. All incoming mail items are securely converted into instant digital images with automated mail-alert system via SMS/email.

User can view mail images on electronic devices wherever they are and can instantly reply via user dashboard to re-forward, re-pack or dispose as required. The platform is secure, reliable, and user-friendly. ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, ANY DEVICE.

DASHBOARD : Collection/Dispatch setting. Mail item photo-image with collection and re-forward functions.
MY ACCOUNT : User profile & folders. Edit mobile number and SMS alert preference.
STATEMENT & PAYMENT : Statement & transaction records. Payment options.
CHANGE PASSWORD : Password reset.
SELF-RENEWAL : Service plan edit, add-on, etc.